4 years ago tonight I was 38 weeks pregnant.
4 years ago tonight I had been out on maternity leave since the end of March because I had been having preterm labor.
4 years ago tonight Matthew, Jason and I were living at my parents house for a few weeks while both bathrooms in our house needed emergency repair.
4 years ago tonight I was preparing for my C-section date of May 7th.
4 years ago tonight I was just trying to hold on while carrying our rainbow baby to term after three years of struggling with getting pregnant again and 2 awful miscarriages.
4 years ago tonight I went to sleep with my umpteen pillows to prop myself up and try to get comfortable.
4 years ago tonight we were still preparing Matthew for a new baby coming.
4 years ago tonight we were still a family of three.
Until 4 years ago at 7am tomorrow when my water broke….
Until 4 years ago tomorrow when Jason drove me to the hospital…
Until 4 years ago tomorrow around 8am when I was taken in for my C-section…
Until 4 years ago tomorrow, when we officially became a family of 4.
