Calling All Warriors and Warrior Mamas!!
Unprecedented times call for extreme measures, and us warriors have to stick together. Whether you are working full time or a stay at home mom, whether your kids are back at school 100% virtual, hybrid, or you pulled them out to homeschool. Whether you have babies or toddlers at home or children who are grown and trying to navigate their own ways right now at college or working for the first time or not being able to work at all. Whether you are still quarantined at home like myself and my family, or you are out and about, we can all agree there’s nothing “normal” going on anymore. Throughout the 15036 days we’ve been home for (ok maybe a little less, but it sure seems like that number) we’ve had to become pretty creative. So I decided to take my creativity to the next level, since I love writing so much, and here we are!! So I present to you... OneToughWarriorMama....
Take a look around.....
**Let's keep climbing uphill together**