It's January 11th and it's the middle of winter, but it's 60 degrees out today. I THRIVE in warmer weather so last night was all about what we could do today to get outside and enjoy the day. But planning with two children, especially one who needs to nap at some point, can be challenging. Should we hang home and play in the backyard? Should we go to a park? But, OMG wouldn't it be so nice to run around on the beach? OK the beach it is. Matthew has karate in the morning, and then there are haircuts, I'm going to a Yoga class, so we will meet back at home and Ryan will nap on the way down to the beach in the car. Perfect plan. Diaper bag is packed, we've got stuff for Matthew if he needs it... we are all ready to go. Ready...break... Jason leaves with the boys, I head to my class, and we've got our plan for the day.
So, it's a little after 12pm, Jason is heading home with the boys and I'm finishing up at my class. I just had the most amazing, relaxing, stress relieving Yoga class, where I let it all go and now I'm rushing home to so we can all get in the car so Ryan can go to sleep. I get home, the boys are finishing up a light lunch and Matthew is rushing to get changed so we can get in the car. Jason is rushing to get Ryan finished, Jason is rushing to change his clothes and I stand there in the doorway watching for a minute. What are we doing? Why are we always rushing around? Rushing to get changed, rushing to get in the car so Ryan can nap, then we'd be rushing to get down to the beach, before the weather started to change. Then I know exactly what would happen. We'd get down there, Ryan won't stay asleep being transferred into the stroller so he won't get a good enough nap, which would be totally fine because we aren't super strict when it comes to staying on schedule, but Matthew would say he'd want to play but it's turned super windy here and Ryan hates the wind. So we'd rush to play so that we could get back in the car so that Ryan can stop screaming his head off because sand is pelting him in the face and the wind bothers him. He's already been through enough turmoil this week with starting daycare and all. I'm not trying to stress him or us out Then we'd get back in the car and rush back so that Ryan doesn't fall asleep in the car because it would be later by then and that would definitely ruin his bedtime, which normally we wouldn't care about, but it's a Saturday night after a long week and some quiet time would be kinda nice. So, in a matter of 30 seconds of me standing in that doorway, watching everyone rushing, I decided it wasn't happening. We need to stop and just be. Be present and be here right now, in this home, or outside in the yard of our home doing whatever it is to get outside and so Ryan sleeps and everyone is happy.
The yoga class I went to this morning had a significant impact on me, in a good way. Things that I'm doing outside of the home, is teaching me how to manage inside of the home. I felt very moved by the meditation we did today and I never had that happen before. So, there's really no reason to break the calmness that came over me.. just to rush around to try to enjoy some nice weather together. We are perfectly capable of doing that here and here we are.
I put Ryan in for a nap, in his own bed. He needs his own bed today and I was fine holding him to sleep in the rocking chair. Jason took Matthew to the baseball field and they are out having fun. I'm sitting in my backyard, with my new Chromebook, coffee in hand, baby monitor on, typing away. We are all enjoying the nice weather, but in our own ways. And no one is rushing.
In awhile, Jason and Matthew will come home, Ryan will wake up and then maybe we will all play together outside for a bit, but right now, it's nice to just be still. It's okay to just sit in quiet and not move. It's okay to take in the fresh air just by sitting and being still. While sitting outside, the wind began to pick up again so I came inside. Now I have the windows open, and I'm still enjoying the weather. I'm taking this opportunity to slow down. And not just for today... but for every day that I can. Live in the moments and not rush around. Take some time and be okay with current surroundings. There will be other days to be outside in wonderful weather. Today it's okay to enjoy it from the comfort of my own home.
I feel like these days, every day I'm learning something new. Today, I'm learning that it's okay to slow down.
What are you surviving?
